Sunday, June 12, 2016

Digital Blog Post #E - Chapters 4, 7 &/or 9

This week I will be reflecting on all aspects of multimedia in the classroom. After reading chapter 9 of our textbook as well as noticing different tools used in education throughout this course, I now recognize how important the content of the media we are showing to our students is just as important as the technology itself.
I would like first to reflect on Multimedia. After reading the definition of multimedia, my first reaction was to think back on my education and the lessons that stuck out to me the most. Most of the lessons I could recall all used multimedia. My teachers knew how to engage us and did an excellent job of doing so. I would like to one-day incorporate multimedia in my classroom such as interactive videos.
Next, I would like to reflect on Media Synergy. Unfortunately, this class is soon to be over because I do not fully grasp the concept of media synergy. If it is what I think it is, it would mean a teacher whom stands up and teaches the lesson while incorporating media such as power points. This is interesting to me, but I would like to learn more about this in the future.
The third thing I would like to reflect on is multimodal learning. I believe I would do well teaching in this manner. I have a brother that learns differently due to his learning disabilities. With that being said, I firmly believe students learn in different ways, and I think this learning technique would benefit all students because it teaches in several different ways.
I have enjoyed learning new techniques that I will be able to enhance my classroom.

To see an example of Multimedia click here to see my Storybird story.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Digital Blog Post #D - Chapters 6 &/or 10

In this blog post, I have decided to reflect on low-tech,mid-tech, and high-tech accommodations. I am very interested in becoming a special education teacher. For this reason, different types of accommodations interest me for the benefit of my future classroom.
    Low-tech accommodations are often unnoticed, in my opinion. Resources such as one-on-one Learning with flashcards, Whiteboards, and worksheets are just as important as the more updated resources are used. I cannot ignore the price difference for using resources that are just as efficient with less cost.
    Mid-tech accommodations interest me because I feel like they integrate technology into a student's life at a slow pace without overwhelming them. I would like to use tablets to adjust my students slowly to the idea of education with technology.
 High-tech accommodations use technology that could benefit students who work better with computers and the resources of advanced nature. Using Advanced technology could help students who are visually impaired by using audiobooks with headphones to produce sounds for them to hear. In the same way, it could help hearing-impaired students see the lesson in words and visual summaries that could make all the difference in their learning experience.
     With a combination of different technologies to accommodate students in my classroom, I believe I could see a high success rate with the children I teach.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Blog Post #C - Chapters 3 &/or 8

The concepts I have chosen to reflect on for this blog post are all similar to each other.
    First, I chose Internet Literacy. This is important to me because of the way out the world is headed in this technological era. One of my biggest pet peeves is to see multiple Facebook friends “sharing” posts that they honestly believe to be the truth. To me, this is an example of a lack of Internet literacy. To be honest, it worries me, and I do not believe that there is enough education or awareness for Internet literacy.
    Second, I’ve chosen digital literacy I would actually like to learn more about this concept. It feels like an umbrella term meaning a bunch of different types of literacy categories and one. You should have critical thinking skills as well as knowledge of new modifications of old materials. I personally feel I need to improve more in this area of literacy.
    Third, I chose Media Literacy. Media Literacy is a concept I believe my generation is exceptionally well at. Because of this, I feel like I could bring fresh and new ideas to me future classrooms. Ideas that would include social networking and web-based creativity. I would love to incorporate concepts such as my students blogging and creating their own web pages.
All three of these ideas interested me in different ways. However, I think the information I have learned about them will benefit me as an educator of the future.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.